Just last weekend as I was on my way back from class, the rain was heavy and my car skidded by a running water across the road. If panicked my car would have gone over the devider , hit a lamp post and maybe will be hit by some cars. But instead, I got controlled of the car and made my way from the right lane to the left lane successfully and stopped my car from hitting the car infront of mine. Shaken & taken aback...I called my hubby to let him know of the incident and as composed as he could he said... 'tak pa balik dulu'...(it's ok come home first)
I kept on saying in my mind...what did I do wrong...what did I do wrong?...I flashback everything that I have did before that and trying to put my senses on what did I do that Allah put this incident against me...but so far I failed to see...
Beaten & trembled , I safely arrived home. My son greeted me at the door but I was too mad at myself that I just slammed whatever I was holding and went straight to my bedroom and cried.
My children, saw the different mood I was at gave up asking me as I replied them in silent mode.
My husband instead went out to check the tyres twice and he came up and said I have just changed the tyre last week and everything was ok...then...how come?
I know there is a 'hikmah' for whatever happened and therefore I 'redha'...
Then came Monday...I was ready to go to work when my husband suddenly said he is going to work with me. Meaning this time driving me to work so ok lar...since I sometimes told him that its ok if he joined me and take only 1 car to work...so I was very happy ...then later that I know, he have decided to go everyday together with me to work from then on. What had just happened?
It was just a twist of fate that Allah have made my dream come through...he has been my driver eversince.. and guess what?
Of all the days, this morning, one of the car's tyre was panchet and he was there as my HERO...
just imagine...just imagine I still drive my car alone to work just like any other day and the tyre panchet?...Innalillah...I am sure to stand at the back of the car and cried HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP......!!! I don't know why but just by imagining me waving at the car passes by and crying out loud...I am sure to be called...a 'crazy woman' and end up no one would want to stop and help me... :)))
Well the moral of the story for today is ...you would not know what Allah have in store for you. You may be in great pain the day before and two days later you found out that Allah gave you a tremendous gift in life. Nothing..I repeat NOTHING can stand before His mercy. Not even the devil himself. Allah loves us. That has always been the only thing that human race is VERY easy to forget.
In our mother's womb, we have pledged to be his loyal servant , and He too have promised to give the best for us in return of our loyalty & good deeds...but in the end what did we do?... we forgot about our pledge (a normal human act) and query about His existence?? Nevertheless, unlike human, Allah never give up hope in us. He never fails us. He loves us very much. Our poverty, hurtings,frustrations are all the test that He puts us in to test our love to Him. And when we still failed Him...He still loves us....UNCONDITIONALLY. Human's love are with condition, unlike Allah's...
Whenever we are tested...stop, sit & think. Then praise our thanks to Allah although it hurts so much that we felt like all our body drained out...because the test is to remind us of His existence so that we won't go astray. Love yourself...remember Allah!
Love you all too....
Sometimes we thought we are the only person who have troubles in our lives and marriage especially...use this blog as a place for you to know that it is normal to have problems in your marriage but you have to respect marriages to be able to know that marriage problems do not give anybody any rights to betray your love ones. Be firm. Make decision and be responsible to your choices and never give up to be a better person.

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
FB disalah gunakan....
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua ,

Ada statistik dari Pejabat agama Negeri Sembilan yang menyatakan punca penceraian yang berlaku di negeri itu kebanyakannya disebabkan oleh Facebook (FB). Rasa-rasanya mengapakah perkara ini berlaku?
Sepertimana yang ustaz di IKIM.FM pernah menyatakan ditazkirah pagi, sekiranya kita menghantar anak-anak kita ke sesebuah Universiti dan daripada mereka sepatutnya keluar menjadi manusia yang berguna kepada masyarakat, mereka 'end up' menjadi 'sampah masyarakat'...adakah ini disebabkan oleh Universiti yang salah?...atau pun anak-anak kita yang salah memilih kawan dan aktiviti-aktiviti harian mereka?
Sama seperti di Facebook....walaupun Facebook dihasilkan oleh seorang warga Amerika iaitu Mike Zuckerberg; namun gunakanlah akal fikiran yang bijaksana untuk menggunakan facebook itu ke arah yang diredhai Allah...sebagai contoh;
1)sekiranya kita seorang 'business man/woman'...ada banyak aplikasi 'business page' yang kita boleh gunakan...kalau tak tahu tentang internet...belajar lah....
2)sekiranya kita seorang yang sudah berumahtangga mempunyai anak-anak yang sedang membesar dan adik-beradik ramai sehinggakan tak sempat untuk kita berhubung dengan mereka, ader Group page yang kita boleh 'create' untuk kita berhubung antara satu sama lain dengan tidak diganggu oleh kawan-kawan yang lain...jadi untuk kita bercakap tentang aktiviti 'P&C' keluarga kita boleh maklumkan di page ini.
3)sekiranya anda seorang pelajar yang mempunyai kumpulan sendiri, anda juga boleh membuat page tertutup hanya untuk kumpulan anda.
4)Sekiranya anda ada 'gang' masak-memasak atau gang sekolah lama..atau gang bas sekolah(heheheh)...anda boleh membuat kumpulan tertutup atau terbuka...
5)Sekiranya anda ada 'event/occassion' nak jemput kawan-kawan walaupun kawan kita berada di Afrika sekali pun...dengan hanya menekan butang invite di 'event page' sahaja rakan anda akan berbesar hati menerima ajakan anda...
Jadi mengapa kita tidak menggunakan FB ini secara positif? Mengapa perlu kita bergerak secara gelap untuk menghubungkan diri kita dengan orang-orang yang boleh membawa kita ke lembah kehinaan. Tahukah kita walaupun tiada siapa yang mengetahui akitiviti tidak sihat kita, namun Allah sentiasa mengetahuinya dan tidak mustahil sekiranya orang yang kita tidak mahu memberitahu tentang aktiviti gelap tersebut, akan tetap mengetahuinya jua dengan cara lain?
Percayalah pada KUN FA YA KUN...sesungguhnya takutilah pada Allah. Sekiranya kita ikhlas melakukan segala aktiviti kerana Allah, insyaAllah...walaupun tidak besar, namun ia boleh dijadikan ibadah dan amalan untuk kita kumpul dan bawanya ke akhirat kelak.
Kepada suami-suami dan isteri-isteri yang bercerai kerana FB... ingatlah semula niat anda sebelum berkahwin...adakah anda berkahwin kerana FB? atau anda berkahwin kerana Allah?,,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
My respect for you...

Dear sis,
You may not have realized but your profoundly humble figure have always rest assuring my heart to be relaxed all the time when we were kids then. Your silence and your act of tolerance have made me realized how grateful I am to have a sister like you.
Today marked your 40th birthday and for me you have never looked more beautiful than you have ever looked before. I am so very proud of you and how I wish I can be as patience, as devoted as you are to the people & things that you most love.
Of course, you are not perfect....but who cares?...everything else in this world has never been perfect...but Allah is great. He knew that without you as the eldest of the sibling, my life, our brother's life, our youngest sister's life, the life of our parents ...would not be perfect. You perfected us. If we may looked as if we are nowhere to be seen or we are not there to support you...rest assure that our dua' will always be there for you. Only Allah knows.
Beloved sister,...you are special and you are one of the best thing that has ever happen to my life. Your BIG 40 figure marked the beginning of a beautiful journey of everything that you have ever requested before. Believe in Allah...insyaAllah your life will be brighter and the life of your love ones.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG SISTAAAA....Thank you for your leadership! & remember that I always love you very-very much.
Dear readers, cherish your siblings...they are here in this world for a reason...and one of the reasons is to give love to you and be loved by you.
You may not have realized but your profoundly humble figure have always rest assuring my heart to be relaxed all the time when we were kids then. Your silence and your act of tolerance have made me realized how grateful I am to have a sister like you.
Today marked your 40th birthday and for me you have never looked more beautiful than you have ever looked before. I am so very proud of you and how I wish I can be as patience, as devoted as you are to the people & things that you most love.
Of course, you are not perfect....but who cares?...everything else in this world has never been perfect...but Allah is great. He knew that without you as the eldest of the sibling, my life, our brother's life, our youngest sister's life, the life of our parents ...would not be perfect. You perfected us. If we may looked as if we are nowhere to be seen or we are not there to support you...rest assure that our dua' will always be there for you. Only Allah knows.
Beloved sister,...you are special and you are one of the best thing that has ever happen to my life. Your BIG 40 figure marked the beginning of a beautiful journey of everything that you have ever requested before. Believe in Allah...insyaAllah your life will be brighter and the life of your love ones.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG SISTAAAA....Thank you for your leadership! & remember that I always love you very-very much.
Dear readers, cherish your siblings...they are here in this world for a reason...and one of the reasons is to give love to you and be loved by you.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Beware of your idealistics...

Dearest readers,
On my way to work today I was shoked when I heard in the RED FM news mentioning that the Sisters in Islam told off the Kelantan Government on breaking the law of the human right who they claimed force women to wear certain clothing like hijab and closing of the aurah. They said it is the individual rights to choose what or how they want to wear themselves in public.
I really think it is about time, JAKIM should do something to this group of people. With this statement they are making the non-Moslems more confuse of our religion and the good practice that Islam is approaching. This statement too shows a definite lack of knowledge on the basic rules in Islam.
Clearly they are confused that it is not the Kelantan government who act upon the law to control the women on how to wear clothes and hijabs... the Kelantan Government just executing the basic law of Islam to ask all women to wear hijab once they have reach puberty and wearing clothes that doesn't expose the shape of the body. Islam taught us how to do everything from scratch. That is why we have our Quran & Sunnah. The guidelines of how to live in this world is perfect in these two things. Why can't they see it?
Of course, there will be some people who will not see this that is why there are Moslems and non-moslems in this world. But it is the obligation of each and everyone in the Moslem community to explain the correct things to the non-Moslems. If we said it without checking the Quran and Sunnah, then we should not be in the position to talk out loud .
It is already stated in the Quran: An Nur 24:31
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision & guard their private parts & not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof & to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests & not expose their aornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbandsl sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women, & let them not stanp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. & turn to Allah in repentance, all of you , O believers, that you might succeed.
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision & guard their private parts & not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof & to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests & not expose their aornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbandsl sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women, & let them not stanp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. & turn to Allah in repentance, all of you , O believers, that you might succeed.
It stated very clear...
Allah didn't create circular thinking...human did that. Human's law is imperfect.
The inability to do the right thing in Islam doesn't mean you have to go against what has been told for you by Allah. Do the right thing. Fight for the righteousneos of the matter and always use guidelines from Quran & Sunnah. InsyaAllah...we shall be shown through the right paths.
Careful of ourselves O' mothers... careful for our daughters and our younger generations. Make sure the idealistics that we input in our daughters didn't go freely without guidelines...We are lucky we have Quran & Sunnah. We are Moslem women, and so we must be wise and knowledgeable Moslem women. Let us standby our husbands, fathers or brothers who practice the right principles of Islam based on the Quran & Sunnah. If they make mistakes let us remind them. They are human too. We don't have to own a PhD to be wise & knowledgeable...we can further our studies through the holy Quran. Remember that we are all answerable to our actions later ... act now and don't wait!
Wallahualam Allah knows best.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tentang mati...

Assalamualaikum wahai sidang pembaca yang dikasihi.
Terpanggil saya untuk berkongsi pengalaman bersama anda lagi pada hari ini. Mungkin disebabkan oleh cuaca yang mendung sejak akhir-akhir ini dipetang hari menyebabkan saya rasa apa salahnya sekiranya saya dapat mencoretkan apa yang terlintas difikiran saya pada sebentar tadi.
Kelmarin, selepas selesai makan malam, sementara menunggu kepulangan suami, saya mengajak anak-anak berbual. Saya jadikan ini sebagai satu keutamaan sekurang-kurangnya dua kali seminggu di dalam kesibukan harian saya mengejar masa daripada pagi hingga kemalamnya. Pada hari tersebut saya berkongsi dengan mereka tentang MATI. Tentang kematian.
Anak-anak saya ada 5 orang. 2 lelaki dan 3 perempuan. 3 orang yang pertama berjarak 1 tahun 1. dan yang ke 3 dan 4 kedua-duanya berjarak 4 tahun dengan yang sebelumnya. Suami dan saya selalu risau menapa mereka ni tak berhenti-henti bergaduh. Secara fizikal mahupun verbal. Macam-macam sudah kami cuba namun penghasilannya hampa sehinggalah saya terdengar kata-kata seorang ustaz tentang mati. Katanya ada 3 golongan di dalam dunia ini:-
1) Golongan yang takut mati
2) Golongan yang ingat akan mati
3) Golongan yang lupa akan adanya mati
Dimanakah kedudukan kita?...
Jadi saya pun berkongsi dengan anak-anak tentang 3 golongan ini dan saya menyuruh mereka memilih. Dimanakah kedudukan mereka. Semua tertunduk dan melihat saya dengan mata yang amat sayu. Saya menyuruh mereka membayangkan sekiranya malaikat maut menjemput sesiapa di antara adik-beradik mereka sebelum mereka dapat berdamai. Apakah mereka akan rasa gembira atau sebaliknya? Saya juga berkata sekiranya Allah menentukan saya dan suami pergi sebelum sempat saya melihat perdamaian berlaku...apakah yang akan berlaku? Bersyukurlah anak-anak mak...pesanku...bersyukur adik-adik masih ada, abang dan kakak masih ada, mak dan ayah masih ada dll kerana sesungguhnya yang tidak baik bagi kita pada masa itu adalah mungkin yang terbaik untuk kita buat masa itu. Hanya Allah maha mengetahui.
Sejak daripada hari itu, saya melihat hubungan antara mereka semakin pulih daripada sebelum ini. Mereka mempunyai rasa lebih tanggungjawab, lebih gelak ketawa daripada jeritan-jeritan yang amat menyakitkan. Mereka mempunyai lebih rasa kasih sayang antara satu sama lain semata-mata kerana kita mengingatkan mereka tentang MATI.
Memang benar firman Allah s.w.t :
" Supaya Allah mengampunkan bagi kamu sebahagian dari dosa-dosa kamu dan memberi kamu hidup (dengan tidak terkena azab) hingga ke suatu masa yang tertentu; (maka segeralah beribadat dan bertaqwa) kerana sesungguhnya ajal (yang telah ditetapkan) Allah, apabila sampai masanya, tidak dapat ditangguhkan; kalaulah kamu mengetahui (hakikat ini tentulah kamu segera beriman)" Nuh (71):4
Ingatlah wahai kawan-kawan sidang pembaca, Allah meletakkan kita sama sahaja. Sekiranya baik untuk kita, maka ia juga adalah baik untuk anak-anak kita, cucu-cucu kita, cicit-cicit kita kerana Al Quran adalah untuk semua golongan di semua pelosok dunia pada bila-bila masa di mana jua. Sebelum berbuat perkara yang mungkar..ingatlah pada hari mati kita dan orang tersayang...dan teruslah bertaubat...Wallahualam...
Between inspiration & miracle ...
Salam readers,
It has been a while. I have missed writing but time is not permittable as I have to continue setting priorities and finding the right path to set my life and the life of my love ones.
In 2009, I have decided to change job. A job where I can use my Japanese Language skill. Of course this job is in a Japanese Company. I have helped to set up the company from hmmm...not from scratch but from after a bit of a scratch haha..
Then I met up with amazing people, mostly young Malaysians from different backgrounds, race, culture and religions. They have inspired me to be a better person. One thing about inspirations, when you experience it, you can actually feel it heightened your spiritual potential because I have felt it then.
5 days a week with no maid and working sometimes until back at 7.8.9 at night, then having to face your 5 kids, a hubby that despise uncleanliness...the world seems not a place to stay. BUT!!...when you remember that Allah is watching and know how you feel, the world feels a place full of hopes. I did that... I put on high hopes to Allah...for I know that he will always hear me, understands me, love me & never forgets me. I call this Allah's miracle. We don't know how He did it, or how impossible it may seem but only He can do it. I believe in Miracle for I believe in Allah...for when he says "kun faya kun" and so it will become.
Come my dear readers, let us put our praise to Allah and work towards the greatest height to be a caliph in this world. I shall write my next post in Malay Language so behold....
It has been a while. I have missed writing but time is not permittable as I have to continue setting priorities and finding the right path to set my life and the life of my love ones.
In 2009, I have decided to change job. A job where I can use my Japanese Language skill. Of course this job is in a Japanese Company. I have helped to set up the company from hmmm...not from scratch but from after a bit of a scratch haha..
Then I met up with amazing people, mostly young Malaysians from different backgrounds, race, culture and religions. They have inspired me to be a better person. One thing about inspirations, when you experience it, you can actually feel it heightened your spiritual potential because I have felt it then.
5 days a week with no maid and working sometimes until back at 7.8.9 at night, then having to face your 5 kids, a hubby that despise uncleanliness...the world seems not a place to stay. BUT!!...when you remember that Allah is watching and know how you feel, the world feels a place full of hopes. I did that... I put on high hopes to Allah...for I know that he will always hear me, understands me, love me & never forgets me. I call this Allah's miracle. We don't know how He did it, or how impossible it may seem but only He can do it. I believe in Miracle for I believe in Allah...for when he says "kun faya kun" and so it will become.
Come my dear readers, let us put our praise to Allah and work towards the greatest height to be a caliph in this world. I shall write my next post in Malay Language so behold....
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